Sunday, May 1, 2011

Some News to Share

Well, I have announced it at both Sunday services this morning, and so most likely it is all over the greater Belle Plaine area by now. So I would imagine it is safe to share via my blog.

I have accepted a new position as Assistant at L'Arche Heartland in Overland Park, Kansas. L'Arche Heartland is a community centered around adults with developmental disabilities. My responsibilities there will be living and working with these adults, helping them to lead fulfilling and meaningful lives. I am sure they will help me to reach that goal, as well.

That means I will be leaving St John Lutheran Church and Belle Plaine, MN. That has definitely made it a tough decision. These past almost five years of life and ministry here in this place and with these people have been some wonderfully amazing years. I didn't realize you could grow to love people so much in five years, but the people that I have had the opportunity to serve have made it pretty easy. I have been blessed with a very supportive and grace-filled congregation and there are many, many people who will be missed and who I will be carrying with me in my heart.

My last Sunday at St John will be Sunday, May 22nd. After that I will be moving to Overland Park at which point my address will change. I will let you know what that is when I know for sure.

I want to say thank you to all of the people who have made these past five years such a wonderful experience, from the staff and members of St John, to the great youth ministry workers in my local network, to all of the pastors and friends who have supported me and encouraged me and been my friends. I have been wonderfully blessed by all of the people that God has placed in my life, and I know that I haven't even begun to mention them all.

So it is with some sadness but also with joy and excitement that I think about this new adventure in my life. I'm sad to have to say good bye to so many people, but I'm excited about what God has in store for me in this new place.

If you are interested in learning more about what L'Arche is, check out the L'Arche USA website at If you want to learn more about the specific community where I will be working, check out their website at

Thanks for all of your prayers, support, love and kindness these past five years. They have been felt and greatly appreciated.
Peace to you!


  1. Mark, this is so wonderful! I'm nominally familiar with the work of L'Arche after doing a project on Henri Nouwen a few years ago, but I had no idea they had communities in the US! Many prayers will follow you on your journey to Kansas, and I'm sure those of us who read your blog will be on the edge of our seats, waiting to hear how God is using you in that ministry!

  2. Mark,
    That is awesome. You are going to be fantastic there. You will be dearly missed here in the twin cities area. It would just mean a longer commute to network on Thursdays. Just kidding. I will always keep you and the adults you are serving in my prayers. As we have talked and having worked with Special Olympics it is so rewarding. You are the right person for the task. You are an amazing person and most of all an amazing child of God. Love ya Mark.

    Raul (Your Mexican friend) LOL :)
